
Hello, I am Maggie Mishinova, a UX designer based in Finland. Welcome to my portfolio!

After graduating from Psychology, I turned towards the intersection of humans, technology and data while living in three different countries (Germany, Finland, and Japan). I have conducted studies using psychological methods, have done usability & UX consulting, facilitated workshops. Now I work for a startup revolutionising the world of patents, IPRally. In my work, I have a close contact both with our users and customers as well as with the Tech teams with which we figure out solutions for the problems our users face. What is important to me is the mix of work with people, having an impact and creative freedom, combining coding, psychology and design.

I offer:

  • A scientific approach towards problems
  • A psychologist’s methodology for study design, data gathering, and statistical analysis
  • User research, interviewing, personas, prototyping, iteration, design thinking tools
  • Usability testing through heuristical evaluation as well as end-user lab testing
  • Powerful data visualisation, storytelling with data
  • Effective collaboration with diverse teams through establishing a common language between business and tech people
  • Building fruitful and long-term relationships with clients
  • Convincing presentation skills
  • Motivation to tackle complex challenges and wicked problems

My tools

  • Paper, pen, pencil, screen recorder
  • Design thinking tools (Personas, User & Customer journeys)
  • R, SPSS, Python
  • Tableau, d3.js
  • HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Git
  • Figma, Miro, Webflow
  • Google Analytics, Mixpanel


  • English
  • German
  • Bulgarian
  • Finnish
  • Japanese

Academic studies
2020 M.Sc. Human Factors, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
2019 Human-Computer Interaction, Aalto University, Finland (one year exchange)
2017 B.Sc. Psychology, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Additional courses
2021 Introduction to Web development, Aalto University
2018 Health Technology Assessment (HTA), TU Berlin
2017 Inspirations for Design: a course on human centered research, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam